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    Warmly celebrate the complete success of the theme salon event of the Social E-commerce Branch of the China Association for Trade in Services!

    Publish date :2021.11.29

    On the afternoon of September 29, the theme salon event of the Social E-commerce Branch of the China Association for Trade in Services was successfully held in the Taiaitai Group! Qiao Wei, Marketing President of Taiaitai Group, and Wang Dehui, Director of New Retail Business Department of Taiaitai Group, attended the event. Also present at the event were Liu Baitang, Executive Secretary of the Social E-commerce Branch, Wang Qian, Director of the Membership Department of the Social E-commerce Branch, and Chuan. Chairman Shi Education (Vice Chairman of Social E-Commerce Branch) Tea Ceremony Leader, Xinhua News Agency New Media Center Promotion and Operation Zhang Hao and other industry representatives. 

    This salon event carried out a comprehensive discussion around the theme of "new retail and new games and trends of private domain brands in the era of great health". Industry leaders gathered to discuss the social marketing strategy and development path of e-commerce under the new economic situation.


    Before the start of the salon, big coffees from various industries visited the exhibition hall of Taiaitai, accompanied by Zhao Xuhui, director of the brand operation center of Taiaitai Group. During the visit, Mr. Zhao explained the overview, production process and technical advantages of Taiaitai Group, Production capacity, cooperative enterprises, future development strategy of the group, etc. gave a detailed introduction to Professor Zhang. It has been highly praised by everyone, and highly affirmed and admired Taiaitai.


    Qiao Wei, Marketing President of Taiaitai Group, shared on-site

    Qiao Wei, the marketing president of Taiaitai Group, gave a speech and delivered a speech for the event. Mr. Qiao first expressed a warm welcome to the arrival of all the big coffees. In his speech, he said that in the Internet era, traffic is the contact point between products and consumers, and the upgrade and iteration of consumer contact points is the core force driving the reform of the retail industry.


    Liu Baitang, Executive Secretary of the Social E-commerce Branch, shared on-site

    Private domain traffic has become a new business model for new retail. As a well-known corporate brand in the peptide industry, the Group closely follows the development trend of the times, focuses on the private domain in the era of great health, continues to promote digital transformation, and gradually improves the digital layout and contacts, and steadily accumulates data traffic areas. 

    Liu Baitang, the executive secretary of the Social E-commerce Branch, shared the achievements of the social e-commerce branch on the spot. Secretary-General Liu said that he walked into Taiaitai and learned about Taiaitai, and hoped that through Tai Ai Peptide, everyone would be healthier. It is hoped that social e-commerce can empower enterprises and give voice to the industry.


    Chuanshi Education Tea Master on-site Sharing

    The tea master of Chuanshi Education gave a wonderful sharing on the experience and experience of industry service on the private domain traffic, micro business, community, community, short video, live broadcast and other aspects.


    Social e-commerce has developed into a large-scale, high-growth sub-industry that cannot be ignored in e-commerce. It is also an important channel for mass entrepreneurship, innovation, and employment, and has spawned related new formats.


    In the next salon event, everyone talked freely, with depth, height, pain points, and highlights. Clash of ideas in brainstorming.